Wednesday, April 16, 2014

GLOBAL GOALS, CITIZEN SOLUTIONS: 2014 Global Philanthropy Forum Conference:

Next week, I will travel to Redwood City in California, USA to speak at the 2014 Global Philanthropy Forum Conference on Advocating for the Environment.  According to the organisers, governments can set goals, mobilize resources and coordinate action. But to combat poverty in all of its dimensions and meet ambitious new development goals, they must join forces with citizen innovators from the private and social sectors and take into account the role that both human nature and human ingenuity can play. 

Local philanthropy on the other hand is rising in Africa with strong private sector engagements in job creation and economic growth but are such  investments working with strong ethical considerations to the environment?  

Follow the @gpforg  and @estherclimate on twitter to get updates and join the conversations via #gpf14

For more info on the event, Click here

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