Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Are you between the ages of 10-24? Here is your chance to let your voice be heard!

The National Agency for the Control of AIDS and its partners including UNICEF and Population Council have launched a social media  campaign tagged #HIVmata to gather input from Adolescents and Young People (AYP) for the development of the National HIV Prevention Strategy for Adolescents and Young People (AYP) in Nigeria.

HIV/AIDS is one of the most important challenges of our generation. According to UNICEF Nigeria,  The present generation of young people is the largest in Nigeria's history. Coincidently, the higest rate of HIV infection is constantly recorded among this group 

A quick on-line survey  for Adolescents and Young People  have been developed around  variety of HIV-related issues such as HIV prevention education, condoms, HIV counselling and testing (HCT), HIV treatment, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) for young people from  ages  gr10-24.

This survey takes 5 minutes  answers will be completely confidential and anonymous.

Getting Adolescents and Young People (AYP) to share their views  will make the development of the National HIV Strategy for AYP in Nigeria more robust.

This survey is open till the 21st of April 2014. 

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